We fall in love, we drink hard, we run to and fro upon the earth like frightened sheep. And now you are to ask yourself if, when all is done, you would not have been better to sit by the fire at home, and be happy thinking
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
We fall in love, we drink hard, we run to and fro upon the earth like frightened sheep. And now you are to ask yourself if, when all is done, you would not have been better to sit by the fire at home, and be happy thinking
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
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1 comentário:
2'42" muito interessantes.
Já tinha visto fotografias destes macacos mas nunca filme/video.
Os equilibrios da natureza são espantosos, o lago de água quente dá-lhes ao corpo o calor necessário para poderem aguentar o enorme frio.
Creio que é assim ...
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