"From the catchy "It's Better Out Back" campaign of 1934 that provided distraction from the Depression to the "Free Love All Over" campaign of the 1960s, Anal Sex Month has been pushing the boundaries of conventional thinking in society.
Not that Anal Sex Month has been without controversy as well. President Richard M. Nixon oversaw the controversial elimination of Bung Balm in the standard field kit for soldiers, destroying the system of paired soldiering created by President Kennedy. Without the emotional bond created by rough, vigorous anal sex, soldiers in Vietnam suffered higher casualty rates and emotional trauma than those in Korea or World War II. Additionally, feminist movements in the 1960s focused America's attention on the diminishment of the vagina brought about by Anal Sex Month and launched the "Pump a Feminist in the Ass for Equality" campaign. America soon recovered in the 1970s, when disco brought anal sex back into the spotlight with Shake your Booty, Back Door Man and How Deep is Your Love. R&B responded to the exposure disco brought with the cult classic Get It Up (And Stick It In) by James Brown and everything ever recorded by Barry White. In celebration of 75 ass-pounding years, Americans are encouraged to get close to loved ones and get that bung-tastic feeling that only comes from deep rectal thrusting.
Not that Anal Sex Month has been without controversy as well. President Richard M. Nixon oversaw the controversial elimination of Bung Balm in the standard field kit for soldiers, destroying the system of paired soldiering created by President Kennedy. Without the emotional bond created by rough, vigorous anal sex, soldiers in Vietnam suffered higher casualty rates and emotional trauma than those in Korea or World War II. Additionally, feminist movements in the 1960s focused America's attention on the diminishment of the vagina brought about by Anal Sex Month and launched the "Pump a Feminist in the Ass for Equality" campaign. America soon recovered in the 1970s, when disco brought anal sex back into the spotlight with Shake your Booty, Back Door Man and How Deep is Your Love. R&B responded to the exposure disco brought with the cult classic Get It Up (And Stick It In) by James Brown and everything ever recorded by Barry White. In celebration of 75 ass-pounding years, Americans are encouraged to get close to loved ones and get that bung-tastic feeling that only comes from deep rectal thrusting.
Autor: Tommy Aquinas
Autor: Tommy Aquinas
Anúncio promocional do "Mês do Sexo Anal" em 1937
Anúncio promocional do "Mês do Sexo Anal" em 1944
Anúncio promocional do "Mês de Sexo Anal", em 1951
2 comentários:
Puritanismo de fachada.
Ainda há Estados em que o sexo anal é against the law e outros em que tb o sexo oral.
Entretanto Hollywood promove worldwide tanto o sexo anal como o sexo oral.
Que dizer? Aquele País é um melting pot de culturas, religiões, interesses vários que mudam de acordo com as indústrias que os sustentam, and so on ...
USA gostava de conhecer de leste a oeste ... do Atlântico ao Pacífico e pelo meio ...
Deve ser fascinante ...
Claro que é puritanismo de fachada ou falso puritanismo. É óbvio.
Pois, eu já lá estive. Apenas na Califórnia e no Hawai. E deixei os EUA para o fim da lista. Os americanos enervam-me, em geral. Não dispenso é Nova York mas lá chegará o dia.
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